C14. 1 lb. FireMaster Pistol Grip Pepper Spray

1 lb. FireMaster Pistol Grip

“Spreads like Napalm!”


The Wildfire18% pepper gel is a sticky pepper spray that comes in an easy to operate pistol grip design for self-defense.

Once sprayed this Pepper Gel acts like glue to your assailant. If the attacker attempts to wipe or rub the Pepper Gel away it begins to permeate the skin leaving your attacker in pain. If used properly indoors you don’t have to worry about overspray, as it will stay in the direction where it’s sprayed and will not affect others in close proximity. Pepper Gel is ideal for a car, recreational vehicle, camping, or home.

This Pepper Gel has many convenient features including:

    • longer distance range

    • stronger pepper mixture

    • sticks to the target like glue

    • it’s also less contaminating, and non-flammable.

** WildFire 1 lb. Pistol-Grip **

**Item #WF-18-16PG**

Only $42.95 !

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